Invoice Interface (AII/RLF)
Our Automated Invoice Interface (AII)
Procedures application is fully integrated with Import
& ABI Procedures. It allows invoice data to be transmitted to U.S.
Customs via ABI, improving the probability of receiving Paperless Entry
Summaries. This process, also referred to as Electronic Invoice Program
(EIP), was implemented by Customs in 1993 to allow you to clear cargo
from specific Customs ports for most formal and informal entries.
As with all our other ABI applications,
we have created a very complete program that conforms to ABI's specifications.
The AII program will allow you to handle a wide variety of invoice situations.
Once you are operational on AII, you may start using the Remote Location
Filing (RLF) feature to electronically file formal or informal entries
from a location other than where the goods will arrive or will be examined.